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Horizon Europe project
DEEP PPU progress

March, 2023
The project website was launched to provide all the interested parties the latest updates about the project’s implementation. On the website you can also find information about the consortium and project’s goals.
May, 2023
DEEP PPU team in collaboration with Horizon 2020 project GIESEEP MP team organised a webinar Electric Space Propulsion. See the videos from this webinar.
July, 2023
DEEP PPU partners presented the preliminary architecture to reviewers in a Preliminary Design Review at Montmirail (FRANCE). The consortium faces now the challenge of the detailed design phase of the project.
October, 2023
The DEEP PPU entered into its 2nd year of implementation of the project and published its first public newsletter.
October, 2023
DEEP PPU consortium partners The Center for Industrial Electronics is a Research center of the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid and Airbus Crisa participated in the European Space Power Conference (ESPC2023) in Elche, Spain (October 2023). The consortium partners submitted and presented three papers during this event.
November, 2023
The DEPP PPU team together with another Horizon Europe project CHEOPS VHP BB and Horizon 2020 project GIESEEP MP organised and hosted a webinar aimed at start-ups and SMEs in space sector. See the presentations.
June, 2024
Last 11th June, DEEP PPU critical design review was held at Airbus Crisa premises, near Madrid in Spain. Latest design status, together with the first test results, were reviewed to evaluate the maturity of the product. The meeting ended with satisfactory results and the remaining key challenges were identified. DEEP PPU consortium is facing now the final stages of the project where a complete PPU engineering model will be fully tested.
December, 2024
DEEP PPU team has achieved one of the main research goals of the project, the Radio-Frequency Generator (RFG) unit has experimentally demonstrated the ability of supplying an emulated Gridded Ion Thruster (GIT) through a 6 meters high frequency harness (hundreds of kHz to 1 MHz), providing 1kW power. High frequency harness has shown appropriate behavior, being designed as a trade-off among high frequency parasitic components: ac resistance, inductance and capacitance.